
BLAST에서 BLAST+로 명령어 바꾸기

케이든 2014. 1. 22. 10:48

BLAST에서 BLAST+로 명령어 바꾸기

 BLAST  BLAST+  Specialty
 megablast  blastn -task megablast  매우 비슷한 nucleotide sequence에 적용
 bl2seq -i -j  blast -query -subject   하나의 sequence를 다른 것에 align
 blastpgp  psiblast | deltablast  Position Specific Initiated BLAST
 rpsblast -p F  rpstblastn  Translated Reverse Position Specific BLAST


 BLAST  BLAST+  Description
 blastall  blastn, blastp, ...  
 -p  n/a  BLAST program: blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn, ...
 -i  -query  Input sequence file
 -d  -db  BLAST database
 -o  -out  Output file
 -m  -outfmt  Output format: BLAST XML:7 TAB:8 | BLAST+ XML:5 TAB:6
 *See more details below
 -e  -evalue  Expectation value threshold
 -a  -num_threads  Number of CPU cores to use
 -F F -dust no | -seg no Disable low complexity filtering: DNA:dust AA:seg
 formatdb makeblastdb 
 -i  -in   Input sequence file
 -p T/F -dbtype prot/nucl Molecule type
 -o T -parse_seqids Parse and index sequence IDs
 -n -out Base name for output files
 fastacmd blastdbcmd 
 -d -db BLAST database
 -s -entry Search string
 -D 1 -entry all Dump database in FASTA format

Output Format 옵션

 Options  BLAST (-m)  BLAST+ (-outfmt)
 0  pairwise  pairwise
 1  query-anchored showing identities  query-anchored showing identities
 2  query-anchored no identities  query-anchored no identities
 3  flat query-anchored, show identities  flat query-anchored, show identities
 4  flat query-anchored, no identities  flat query-anchored, no identities
 5  query-anchored no identities and blunt ends  XML Blast output
 6  flat query-anchored, no identities and blunt ends  tabular
 7  XML Blast output  tabular with comment lines
 8  tabular  Text ASN.1
 9 tabular with comment lines Binary ASN.1
 10 ASN, text Comma-separated values
 11 ASN, binary [Integer] BLAST archive format (ASN.1)

Tabular format을 가장 많이 사용함으로 BLAST에서는 -m 8, BLAST+에서는 -outfmt 6 사용.

데이터에 따른 BLAST 사용

 Query  Database  Comparison Space  Program to use
 nuc  nuc  /nuc/  blastn
 nuc  nuc  /Prot/  tblastx
 Prot  Prot  /Prot/  blastp
 Prot  nuc  /Prot/  tblastn
 nuc  Prot  /Prot/  blastx


Quick_Start_Guide_BLAST_to_BLAST .pdf

Quick_Start_Guide_BLAST_to_BLAST .pdf