Chapter 2, Dynamics of Genes in Populations
Locus - the chromosomal or genomic location of a gene
Allelels - alternative forms of the gene at a given locus
Allele frequency (gene frequency) - the relative proportion of an allele
Gene pool - the set of all alleles existing in a population at all loci
Deterministic model - chnages in the frequencies of alleles in a population from generation to generation occur in a unique manner
Stochastical model - changes in allele frequencies occur in a probablistic manner
Natural selection - the differential reproduction of genetically distinct individuals or genotypes within a population
Fitness (ω)- a measure of the individual's ability to survive and reproduce
Absolute fitness, Relative fitness
Deleterious mutation - reducing the fitness of carriers, Negative (purifying) selection
Neutral mutation - fit as the best allele in the population
Advantageous mutation - increase the fitness of carriers, Positive (advantageous) selection
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - a population in which p^2, 2pq, q^2 genotypic ratios are maintained
p = p^2 + 1/2(2pq) = p^2 + pq
q = 1/2(2pq) + q^2 = q^2 + pq
Selective advantage - increase in fitness
Selective disadvantage - decrease in fitness
Selective neutral - s = 0
Codominant (genic selection) - mean of the fitnesses of the two homozygous genotypes, directional selection
Dominant selection - the fitness of the heterozygote is the same as the fitness of one of the two homozygous genotypes
Overdominance and underdominance
Overdominant selection - the heterogygote has the highest fitness
-> stable equilibrium (balancing or stabilizing selection)
Underdominant selection - the heterogygote has the lowest fitness
-> unstable equilibrium
Random genetic drift - the process of change in allele frequency due solely to chance effects
Loss (extinction) - the frequency of an allele reaches 0
Fixation - the frequency of an allele reaches 1
Census population size (N) - the total number of individuals in a population
Effective population size (Ne) - the population size that matters in the evolutionary process (reproducible)
Gene substitution - the process whereby a mutant allele completely replaces the predominant or wild type allele in a population
Fixation probability - the probability that a particular allele will become fixed in a population
1. allele frequency
2. allele selective advantage/disadvantage (s)
3. the effective population size (Ne)
Fixation time - the time required for the fixation or loss of an allele
1. allele frequency
2. allele selective advantage/disadvantage (s)
3. the size of population
> Conditional fixation time - the mean fixation time of mutants that will eventually become fixed in the population
Rate of gene substitution (K) - the number of fixations of new alleles per unit time
Monomorphic - only one allele at the locus
Polymorphic - two or more alleles coexist in the population
Gene diversity
Mean expected heterozygosity (gene diversity)
Single-locus expected heterozygosity (gene diversity at a locus)
Nucleotide diversity
Nucleotide diversity (Π) - the average number of nucleotide differences per site between any two randomly chosen sequences
Mutationist - an evolutionary phenomenon is explained by the effects of mutational input and random genetic drift
Neutralist - stressing the effectrs of mutation, random genetic drift and purifying selection
Selectionist - the effects of the advantageous and balancing modes of selection as the main driving forces in the evolutionary process
The neo-Darwinian theroy and the neutral mutation hypothesis
Synthetic theory of evolution (neo-Darwinism)
Pan-selectionism - selection is the only force capable of driving the evolutionary process
Neutral theory of molecular evolution - the majority of molecular changes in evolution are due to the random fixation of neutral or nearly neutral mutations
'식물미생물 > Fun. Mol. Evol.' 카테고리의 다른 글
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