농림축산물 품목용어 | |
▶육류 |
<meats> |
닭고기 |
chicken |
오리고기 |
duck meat |
칠면조고기 |
turkey meat |
돼지고기 |
pork |
등심 |
loin |
어깨살 |
shoulder butt |
사태 |
behind shank |
안심 |
tender loin |
삼겹살 |
belly |
설육 |
tongue |
돼지비계 |
lard |
▶견과류 |
<nuts> |
도토리 |
acorn |
밤 |
chestnut |
은행 |
ginkgo |
잣 |
pine nut |
호도 |
walnut |
▶곡류 |
<cereals> |
겉보리 |
unhulled barley |
귀리(燕麥, 雀麥) |
oat |
기장 |
millet, broomcorn millet, wild proso millet, blackseeded proso millet, panic millet, wild millet |
메밀 |
buckwheat |
밀 |
wheat |
보리 |
barley |
수수 |
sorghum, milo, milo maze |
쌀 |
rice |
율무(薏苡仁) |
Job's tears, adlay |
조(粟) |
foxtail bristlegrass, foxtail millet |
찹쌀 |
sticky rice, glutinous rice |
팥 |
red bean, Indian bean |
호밀(胡麥) |
rye |
▶과실류 |
<fruits> |
감 |
persimmon |
곶감 |
dried persimmon |
단감 |
sweet persimmon |
감귤(柑橘) |
Mandarin(orange), tangerine |
나무딸기 |
raspberry |
대추(棗) |
jujube, Chinese jujube |
매실(梅實) |
ume plum, Japanese apricot |
무화과(無花果) |
fig |
배 |
pear |
만삼길 |
Okusankichi |
신고 |
Singo(Singo), Niitaka pear |
원황 |
Wonwhang |
황금 |
Whangkeum, golden pear |
복숭아(桃) |
peach |
백도 |
Hakuto |
유명 |
Yumyeong |
사과 |
apple |
쓰가루 |
Tsugaru |
홍로 |
Hongro |
후지 |
Fuji |
살구 |
apricot |
앵두 |
sweet cherry |
야자 |
palm(tree) |
자두 |
plum, prune |
키위 |
kiwi, kiwi fruit |
파인애플 |
pineapple |
▶두류 |
<beans> |
강낭콩 |
kidney bean |
꼬투리완두 |
garden pea |
녹두(綠豆) |
mung bean, green gram |
대두(大豆) |
soybean |
완두 |
pea |
풋콩 |
green bean(pea), unripe bean |
▶면류 |
<noodles> |
국수 |
noodle |
냉면(冷麪) |
cold noodle, iced noodle |
당면(唐麵) |
Chinese noodle |
라면 |
ramen, ramyeon |
▶서류 |
<(Andean) roots and tubers> |
감자 |
potato |
고구마 |
sweet potato |
▶인삼류 |
<ginsengs> |
인삼 |
ginseng |
백삼(白蔘) |
white ginseng |
백삼분(白蔘粉) |
white ginseng powder |
백삼정(白蔘錠) |
white ginseng tablet(capsule) |
수삼 |
green ginseng(undried ginseng) |
홍삼 |
red ginseng |
홍삼분 |
red ginseng powder |
홍삼정 |
red ginseng tablet(capsule) |
▶장류 |
<soybean pastes> |
간장 |
soy sauce |
고추장 |
hot chili pepper paste, hot pepper and soybean paste, red pepper paste soybean paste |
된장 |
soybean paste |
청국장 |
Chungkukjang, fermented soybean paste, traditional Korean food made of fermented soybean paste |
▶차류 |
<teas> |
녹차(綠茶) |
green tea |
홍차 |
black tea |
▶채소류 |
<vegetables> |
가지 |
eggplant |
상추 |
lettuce |
결구상추(結球) |
head(type) lettuce, crisp lettuce |
고들빼기 |
Korean lettuce, hawk's beard dried root fembrake, bracken |
고사리 |
fernbrake, bracken |
고추 |
chili pepper, red pepper, cayenne pepper, hot pepper |
건고추 |
dried chili pepper |
꽈리고추 |
wrinkled chili pepper |
생고추(풋고추) |
fresh red pepper, fresh hot pepper, green pepper, unripe hot pepper |
고추냉이 |
horseradish, wassbi |
김치 |
kimchi(gimchi) |
달래 |
wild chive, wild rocambol |
당근 |
carrot |
생당근 |
raw carrot |
더덕 |
bonnet bellflower |
도라지 |
balloon flower, Chinese bellflower |
돌나물(돗나물) |
stonecrop |
동양참외 |
oriental melon |
두릅 |
aralia shoot |
딸기 |
strawberry |
볼레로 |
Bolero |
플라멘코 |
Flamenco |
복분자(覆盆子) |
blackberry, Korean bramble |
산딸기 |
wild strawberry |
땅두릅(獨活) |
udo |
마 |
yam, Chinese yam, cinnamon vine |
마늘(胡蒜) |
garlic |
마늘종(쫑) |
garlic flower stem, garlic stem |
멜론 |
melon, musk melon, cantaloupe |
무 |
radish |
순무 |
field mustard, wild turnip |
알타리 무/총각(總角)무 |
Altari radish. ponytail radish |
열무 |
young radish |
미나리 |
water dropwort, water parsley, water celery |
배추 |
Chinese cabbage, celery cabbage |
꽃양배추 |
kale, collard, flowering cabbage |
버섯 |
mushroom |
느타리버섯(애느타리버섯) |
oyster mushroom |
새송이버섯 |
king oyster(mushroom), trumpet royale, royal trumpet |
송이버섯 |
pine mushroom, button mushroom, champignon |
영지버섯 |
reishi, ling zhi |
팽이버섯 |
golden needle mushroom, winter mushroom, velvet foot, velvet stem, enokidake |
표고버섯 |
oak mushroom, shiitake mushroom |
부추 |
Chinese chive, Chinese leek |
브로콜리 |
broccoli |
샐러리 |
celery |
생강(薑) |
ginger |
수박 |
watermelon |
숙주나물 |
green bean sprouts |
시금치 |
spinach |
신선초 |
angelica |
쑥갓 |
crown mallow |
아스파라거스 |
asparagus |
아욱 |
marsh mallow |
양파 |
onion |
연근(蓮根) |
lotus root |
염교 |
rakkyo, Chinese onion |
오이 |
cucumber |
가시오이 |
thorny cucumber, prickly cucumber |
옥수수 |
corn, Indian corn, maize |
우엉 |
burdock(weed), cocklebur |
죽숙(竹筍) |
bamboo shoot |
쪽파 |
wakegi |
참나물 |
Pimpinella brachycarpa(Kom.)Nakai(학명) |
청경채 |
pak-choi, Chinese mustard, celery mustard |
취나물 |
aster |
치커리 |
chicory |
케일 |
kale |
콩나물 |
bean sprouts |
토란 |
taro |
토마토 |
tomato |
꼬꼬 |
Koko(hybrid Momotaro tomato) |
방울토마토 |
cherry tomato, mini tomato |
파 |
Welsh onion, green onion, spring onion |
파세리 |
parsley |
파프리카 |
paprika |
스페셜 |
Special |
쥬빌리 |
Juvily |
피에스타 |
Fiesta |
포도(葡萄) |
grape |
거봉 |
Kyoho |
델라웨어 |
Delaware |
켐벨 |
Campbell Early |
Muscat Bailey A |
피망 |
sweet pepper, bell pepper, pimiento |
호박 |
pumpkin, squash |
늙은호박 |
Rumbo pumpkin |
단호박 |
sweet pumpkin |
밤호박 |
chestnut pumpkin |
애호박 |
little pumpkin |
▶화훼류 |
<flowering plants> |
거베라 |
gerbera |
국화(菊花) |
shrysanthemum |
리네커 |
Lineker |
모나리자 |
Monalisa |
바이킹 |
Vyking |
유로 |
Euro |
쵸핀 |
Chopin |
글라디올러스 |
gladiolus |
스픽앤드스판 |
Spic & Span |
헌팅송 |
Hunting Song |
화이트프랜드쉽 |
White Friendship |
난초(蘭草) |
orchid |
백합(百合) |
lily |
소르본느 |
Sorbonne |
시베리아 |
Siberia |
메로스타 |
Merostar |
마르코폴로 |
Marcopolo |
선인장 |
cactus |
수선(水仙) |
Narcissus |
아이리스 |
iris |
안개꽃(초) |
Gypsophila, Baby's Breath |
레드시 |
Red Sea |
브리스톨 페어리 |
Bristol Fairy |
퍼펙타 |
Perfecta |
양란(洋蘭) |
occidental orchid |
덴드로듐 |
Dendrodium |
덴파레 |
Denfare |
심비디움 |
Cymbidium |
온시디움 |
Oncidium |
팔레놈시스 |
Phalaenopsis |
장미 |
rose |
러블리리디아 |
Lovely Lidia |
리들마블 |
Little Marble |
리디아 |
Lidia |
마카레나 |
Macarena |
옐로우닷 |
Yellow Dot |
카네이션 |
carnation |
튤립 |
tulip |
골든아펠둔 |
Apeldoorn |
골든옥스포드 |
Golden Oxford |
후리지아 |
freesia |
히아신스 |
hyacinth |
▶기타 |
<others> |
가시오가피(五加皮) |
eleuthero, thorny pepper-bush, Siberian ginseng |
겨자 |
mustard |
꿀 |
honey |
녹용(鹿茸) |
young antler |
들깨 |
perilla seed, purlpe mint, perilla, wild coleus, beefsteak plant |
땅콩 |
peanut |
로얄제리 |
royal jelly |
면실(綿實) |
cottonseed |
사탕무 |
sugar beet |
사탕수수(蔗) |
sugarcane |
삼계탕(蔘鷄湯) |
ginseng chicken soup |
우황 |
ox bezoar (gallstone) |
잇꽃씨(紅花씨) |
safflower seed |
참깨 |
sesame |
피마자(蓖麻子) |
castor bean |
토막상식 | |
원예학 용어(園藝學 用語) |
Horticultural Terms |
분류법(分類法) |
classification |
▶자연분류(自然分類) |
Natural Classification |
품종/변종(品種/變種) |
kind/variety |
종(種) |
species |
속(屬) |
genus |
과(科) |
family |
목(目) |
order |
강(綱) |
calss |
문(門) |
phylum |
계(界) |
kingdom |
▶인위분류(人爲分類) |
Artificial Classification |
과수(果樹) |
fruits |
인과류(因果類) |
pome fruits |
핵과류(核果類) |
stone fruits |
각과류(殼果類) |
nuts |
장과류(漿果類) |
berry fruits |
채소(菜蔬) |
vegetables |
엽채류(葉菜類) |
leaf vegetables |
과채류(果菜類) |
fleshy-fruited vegetables(egglant,pepper,tomato) |
근채류(根菜類) |
rootcrops(edible roots) |
화훼(花卉) |
flowering plants |
1년생 |
annual |
2년생 |
biennial |
다년생 |
perennial |
재배원예용어 | |
genetically modified organism |
가공법(加工法) |
processing method |
개화(開花) |
blooming, efflorescence |
검은별무늬병 |
scab |
결과(結果) |
bearing, fruiting, fruit set |
결과지(結果枝) |
bearing shoot |
경작면적(耕作面積) |
area under cultivation, acreage under cultivation, cultivation area |
공간훈증(空間薰蒸) |
space fumigation, soil fumigation |
과방(果房) |
bunch, fruit cluster(화방) |
과아(果芽) |
fruit bud |
관리(管理) |
management |
관수(管水) |
irrigation, watering |
광도(光度) |
intensity of light, luminosity, (degree of brightness, light intensity) |
광주기성(光週期性) |
photoperiodism |
광합성(光合成) |
phototropism |
괴경(塊莖) |
tuber |
괴사(壞死) |
necrosis |
교잡품종(交雜品種) |
hybridized variety, hybrid variety, hybrid cultivar |
굴광성(屈光性) |
phototropism |
기계적방제(機械的防除) |
mechanical control |
기공(氣孔) |
stigma, stoma, vesicle |
꺾꽂이(揷木) |
cuttage, cutting |
내병성(耐病性) |
disease resistance, disease tolerance |
내성(耐性) |
resistance, tolerance, fastness |
냉해(冷害) |
cold weather damage |
노화현상(老化現象) |
senile change |
농약 |
agricultural chemical pesticide, agrochemical |
농약잔류기준(農藥殘留基準) |
residue standards for agricultural chemicals |
농약잔류허용기준 |
residue limits and standards for agricultural chemicals |
농약허용기준 |
maximum residue limits of agricultural chemicals |
눈접 |
bud grafting, budding, graft a bud |
단기일식물(短期日植物) |
short-duration plant, short-period plant |
단일식물(短日植物) |
short-day plant |
담배모자이크병 |
tobacco mosaic |
당도(糖度) |
degree of sweetness, soluble solid content(SSC) |
대륜국(大輪菊) |
standard chrysanthemum |
대목(臺木) |
understock, stock, rootstock |
도정율(搗精率) |
milling ratio, milling rate |
동결건조(凍結乾燥) |
freeze-dry, freeze drying, lyophilization |
동화작용(同化作用) |
anabolism, metabolism, grain filling |
등숙(登熟)/결실(結實) |
fruit bearing, ripening, grain filling |
목화(木花) |
cotton plant |
무기염류(無機鹽類) |
inorganic salts |
무기제초제(無機除草劑) |
inorganic herbicide, inorganic weed killer |
무농약농산물(無農藥農産物) |
chemicals-free agricultural products |
무수정생식(無受精生殖) |
apomixis |
미생물농약(微生物農藥) |
microbial pesticide |
미생물방제(微生物防除) |
microbial control |
바이러스병 |
viral disease |
반감기(半減期) |
half-life period |
발아(發芽) |
germination |
발아최적온도(發芽最適溫度) |
oprimim temperature for germinartion, optimum germination temperature |
방제(防除) |
pest control |
배수(排水) |
drainage, guttation |
복제(複製) |
replication |
봉지씌우기 |
bagging |
부산물비료(副産物肥料) |
by-product feed, by-product fertilizer |
분무법(噴霧法) |
fog system |
분제(粉劑) |
dust |
붕소(硼素) |
boron |
뿌리흑박테리아 |
root nodule bacteria |
살균제(殺菌濟) |
fungicide, bactericide |
살충제(殺蟲劑) |
insecticide, pesticide |
삼투(滲透) |
osmosis |
상자육모(箱子育苗) |
box raising seeding |
생리(生理) |
physiology |
생리장애토양 (生理障碍土壤) |
soil conditions that hamper physiological development, soil conditions that cause physiological stress |
생물농약(生物農藥) |
biotic pesticide, biological control agent |
생물시계(生物時計) |
biological clock |
생산량(生産量) |
production amount |
생식(生殖) |
reproduction, begetting |
생식생장(生殖生長) |
reproduction and growth, reproductive development |
선과(選果) |
fruit grading, fruit sorting |
선별(選別) |
selection, grading sorting |
성숙일수(成熟日數) |
number of days to ripening, days to maturity |
성페르몬 |
sex pheromone |
수경재배(水耕栽培) |
hydroponics |
수분(受粉) |
pollination |
수분계(水分計) |
moisture meter, moisture tester |
수정(受精) |
fertilization |
수화제 |
wattable powder |
수확(收穫) |
harvest(ing), picking |
수확후 관리 |
posthavest management |
수확면적 |
harvest area |
수확적기 |
harvesting stage, picking stage, oprimal harvesting stage, the best time for harvest, harvesting season(time) |
숙도(熟度) |
degree of ripeness, degree of maturity |
순지르기(摘心) |
pinching, topping, decapitation, shoot-top cutting |
습윤저온처리 (濕潤低溫處理) |
wet cold treatment |
시비(施肥) |
fertilization, fertilizer application |
식물성장억제제 (植物成長抑制劑) |
plant growth retardant(inhibitor) |
아접(芽椄) |
budding, bud grafting |
안전성농약 |
safety agrichemical |
약해(藥害) |
phytotoxicity, chemicla injury, spray injury |
엽록소(葉綠素) |
chlorophyll |
예조 |
pretreatment, prestorage conditioning |
요수량(要水量) |
water requirement |
용해도(溶解度) |
solubility |
유기농산물(有機農産物) |
organic agricultural product |
유기농약 |
organic pesticide |
유기살서제(有機殺鼠劑) |
organic rodenticide |
유기수은제(有機水銀劑) |
organic mercury pesticide |
유기염소계농약(有機鹽素系農藥) |
organic synthetic agricultural chemicals |
유기재배(有機栽培) |
organic cultivation |
유기합성농약(有機合成農藥) |
organic synthetic agricultural chemicals |
유인제(誘引劑) |
attractant |
유전적방제(遺傳的防除) |
genetic control |
유제농약 |
oil emulsin, oil emulsifiable concentrate |
육묘(育苗) |
raising(of)seeding, growing seeding, rearing of seeding |
응애 |
aphid, mite |
이기작재배(二期作栽培) |
second crop cultivation |
이식재배(利殖栽培) |
transplanting culture |
일사량(日射量) |
amount of solar radiation, amount of insolation |
자가수정(自家受精) |
self-fertilization |
작형 |
cropping type, type of cropping, cropping pattern |
잡종교접(雜種僑接) |
bridge-grafting |
장기일식물(長期日植物) |
long-duration plant, long-period plant |
재배적방제(栽培的防除) |
cultural control |
저농약농산물(低農藥農産物) |
agricultural products grown with small amount of chemicals |
저온저장(低溫貯藏) |
cold-storage, low temperature storage |
저온처리(低溫處理) |
cold-treatment, chilling treatment, low temperature treatment |
저장장해(貯藏障害) |
storage disorder |
적과(摘果) |
fruit thinning |
적심(摘心) |
pinching, topping, stopping |
전분(澱粉) |
starch |
전정(剪定) |
pruning |
접목(椄木) |
grafting, ingraftment |
접수(椄穗) |
scion |
종합적 해충관리(綜合的 害蟲管理) |
integrated pest management(IPM) |
지속 가능한 환경농업(持續 可能한 環境農業) |
sustainable environment(-friendly) agriculture |
진딧물 |
aphid |
질소(窒素) |
nitrogen |
착과(着果) |
fruit setting, fruiting, fruit set |
천적곤충재배(天敵昆蟲栽培) |
insect enemy cultivation |
촉성재배(促成栽培) |
forcing culture |
추비(追肥) |
top dressing, supplement application, additional manure, additional fertilizer |
춘파형(春播型) |
spring type |
춘화(春花) |
vernalization |
춘화처리(春花處理) |
vernalization |
춘화현상(春花現象) |
vernalization phenomenon |
출하(出荷) |
shippping, shipment |
친환경유기농 |
environment(-friendley)organic agriculture |
타발휴면(他發休眠) |
imposed rest, imposed dormancy, external dormancy, quiescence |
탄소동화작용(炭素同化作用) |
photosynthesis, carbon dioxide assimilation |
탄저병(炭疽病) |
anthracnose |
탈립성(脫粒性) |
shattering of grain, shattering property, berry shattering, berry drop |
퇴비(堆肥) |
compost, farmyard(barnyard) manure |
호흡열(呼吸熱) |
heat of respiration |
혼작(混作) |
mixed cropping, companion cropping, mixture cropping |
화학비료(化學肥料) |
chemical fertilizer |
황화증상(黃化症狀) |
yellowing symptom, etiolation symptom, chlorosis symptom |
후숙(後熟) |
after-ripening, postmaturity ripening |
후작(後作) |
succeeding cropping, sequential cropping, second crop |
훈연제(薰煙濟) |
smoking agent |
훈증제(薰蒸濟) |
fumigant |
휴면기간(休眠期間) |
dormant period(season), dormancy period |
휴면타파(休眠打破) |
breaking of dormancy, breaking of rest, dormancy breaking |
흑반병(黑斑病) |
black point |
흰가루병 |
powdery mildew |
저장유통용어 | |
가공(加工) |
processing, manufacturing |
가공식품(加工食品) |
processed food |
가공용품종(加工用品種) |
cultivar for processing, variety for processing |
가공원예(加工園藝) |
horticulture for processing |
가공적성(加工適性) |
processing suitability |
가스장해(一障害) |
gas injury, gas damage |
가스투과성(一透過性) |
gas permeability |
가식부위(可食部位) |
edible portion |
가용성고형물(可溶性固形物) |
soluble solid |
가저장(假貯藏) |
temporary storage, tentative storage |
갈변(褐變) |
browning |
갈색심부(褐色心府) |
black heart, core rot, brown rot |
감량(感量)(중량감소) |
weight loss |
감미(甘味) |
sweet taste, sweetness |
건조화(乾燥花) |
dried(dry) flower |
검역(檢疫) |
quarantine |
경도(硬度) |
firmness, hardness |
경도계(硬度計) |
hardness tester(meter), compactness tester of soil, penetrometer, pressure tester |
경매(競賣) |
auction |
계급(階級)<선별> |
calss, rank, caste |
고온고습처리(高溫高濕處理) |
high-temperature and humidity treatment |
고온장해(高溫障害) |
heat(high temperature) injury |
고온처리(高溫處理) |
heat(high temperature) treatment |
골판지(骨板紙) |
corrugated board |
공기냉각(空氣冷却) |
air cooling |
공동병(空洞炳) |
hollow heart, puffiness, boxiness |
공동선과(共同選果) |
cooperative fruit sorting |
공동선별(共同選別) |
cooperative grading(sorting) |
공동출하(共同出荷) |
cooperrative shipping |
과경(果經) |
fruit diameter |
과고(果膏) |
fruit height |
과냉각(過冷却) |
supercooling |
과당(果糖) |
fructose, levulose |
과숙(果熟) |
overripe(ning), over-ripeness |
과실식초(果實食醋) |
fruit vinegar |
과실음료(果實飮料) |
fruit beverage |
과실하중(果實荷重) |
fruit load |
과육(果肉) |
flesh, pericarp, sarcocarp |
과육(果肉)<밀감 등> |
pulp |
과장(果長) |
fruit length |
과피흑변현상(果皮黑變現象)<배> |
skin browning |
과형(果形) |
fruit shape |
과형지수(果形指數) |
index of fruit shape |
감압저장(減壓貯藏) |
hypobaric(low pressure)storage, reduced pressure stoarage |
강제통풍냉각(强制通風冷却) |
forced air cooling |
강제환기(强制換氣) |
forced ventilation |
개별포장(個別包裝) |
individual packaging |
건구온도(乾球溫度) |
dry-bulb temperature |
건기(乾期) |
dry season, dry period, dry spell |
건물(乾物) |
dry matter |
건물률(乾物率) |
percentage of dry matter |
건물분배율(乾物分配律) |
dry matter partitioning ratio, dry matter partitioning ratio |
건물생산(乾物生産) |
dry matter production |
건물수량(乾物收量) |
dry matter yield |
건물중(乾物重) |
dry weight, weight of dry matter |
건부(乾腐) |
dry rot |
냉각(冷却) |
cooling |
냉동(冷凍) |
freezing, refrigeration |
냉동채소(冷凍菜蔬) |
frozen vegetables |
단맛(甘味) |
sweet taste, sweetness, sugar taste |
도마가(都賣價) |
wholesale price |
도매업자(都賣業者) |
wholesale dealer, wholesaler |
당도(糖度) |
brix degree,sugar content |
말린채소 |
dehydrated(dried) vegetable |
매운맛 |
acridity, hot taste |
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